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  • ASTR 452 001 Sp21

    This course is an introduction to modern cosmology (and aspects of galaxies). On the cosmological front, you will learn about the standard cosmological model: inflation followed by a radiation, a dark-matter and finally a cosmological constant dominated universe. You will learn about (1) the interplay between the contents of the uni- verse and its space-time dynamics, (2) about how different particle species emerge from the thermal soup after the big bang and (3) the evolution of structure in our universe: from tiny quantum fluctuations during our universe’s infancy to correlated distribution of galaxies we see in the sky today. In the 4th quarter of the course we will discuss galaxies in more detail including our own host galaxy. We will emphasize the kinematics and dynamics of galaxies, as well as important scaling relations between observables. Throughout the course, we will emphasize the interplay between different areas of physics in an astrophysical/cosmological setting and how our current theoretical understanding of galaxies and cosmology is firmly rooted in observations.

  • RCEL 430 001 Sp21

    RCEL 430 / 530 (“Engineering Pathways” for short) is an opportunity for students to explore career options for science and engineering majors beyond the typical technical industry and academic research tracks. Fields to be explored include law, medicine, finance, entrepreneurship, consulting, venture capital, business management, and government service. The course is one credit hour and is suitable for students in any technical or quantitative major.

  • RCEL 530 001 Sp21

    RCEL 430 / 530 (“Engineering Pathways” for short) is an opportunity for students to explore career options for science and engineering majors beyond the typical technical industry and academic research tracks. Fields to be explored include law, medicine, finance, entrepreneurship, consulting, venture capital, business management, and government service. The course is one credit hour and is suitable for students in any technical or quantitative major.

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