Teaching with Technology Resources

Teaching with Technology Resources

Welcome to Teaching with Technology Resources

Rice University Learning Environments and Canvas

Welcome! You are here because you need assistance in moving or creating your course materials and activities in the online environment. Perhaps you are looking to expand your course activity or assessment types. Maybe you would like to reduce your workload and keep all of your course materials, student submissions, and grades all in one place. Perhaps you are traveling, experiencing illness, or missing class because of a natural disaster but cannot lose instruction time. No matter the reason Learning Environments is here to assist in any way that we can.

This Canvas course will walk you through setting up your course, distributing content, communicating with students, creating assignments and assessments, and grading. We will also cover third party tools which are linked to Canvas and some resources available outside of Canvas. While much of the course focuses on HOW to do things with technology, you will also find WHY you should do things along with our suggestions for best practices.

Each module has:

  1. Introductory content to help you get started. You can use that page to find what you need in the module.
  2. Content throughout the module to assist you in completing the tasks you need
  3. A knowledge check quiz for you to test yourself
  4. A page of best practices for the tools discussed in that module

To move through each module select the Next or Previous buttons located on the bottom right and left respectively. Feel free to navigate modules in any order you like.  


  1. Getting Started with Technology 
  2. General Information 
  3. Managing your Profile/Account and Notifications in Canvas
  4. New Quizzes in Canvas