Import a Zoom Meeting into a Canvas Course

Zoom is integrated in Canvas and meetings can be created through Canvas but any meeting created in Rice's Zoom portal can be brought into Canvas. 

To import a meeting you've scheduled within your Rice Zoom account into your Canvas course:

  1. Log into your Rice Zoom account at Links to an external site.
  2. Find or schedule your meeting, and copy the Meeting ID number.

    zoom meet id from meeting page of  your Zoom account
  3. Navigate to your Canvas course.

  4. In your course, click on Zoom in the course navigation.

  5. Next to the Schedule a New Meeting button click the vertical ellipsis menu  and select Import meeting.

    import meeting in menu of zoom tool in Cancas
  6. In the Import meeting dialog box, enter your Meeting ID and click the Import button. 

  7. Your meeting will appear in your Canvas course Zoom meeting list.

Need something more?

More information on Using Tech for Student Engagement can be located on the Canvas Training Center and Learning Environments website

If you need immediate assistance, please feel free to reach out to Learning Environments:

713-348-4357 | | Learning Environments website