Create, Record, and Share a Zoom Class (with attendees)
Get Started
Create a Zoom Meeting
Prior to your first class, create a reoccurring meeting in Canvas:
The following meeting only needs to be completed with the settings below once. Every occurrence of the meeting will contain the same settings.
- Click Zoom from your course navigation menu. The first time you click on this link, you will have to authorize the Zoom app.
- In Canvas, click Schedule a New Meeting
3. Fill out the meeting settings
- Topic: the title of your meeting, e.g., your course name or Office Hours
- When: date and time of the meeting
- Duration: total amount of time the meeting will run for (you can enter a meeting early)
- Recurring meeting: meetings that will be used more than once in the course (e.g., weekly discussion meetings)
Example for a class that meets every MWF:
Recurrence = Weekly
Repeat every 1 week
Occurs Mon, Wed, Fri
End date = last meeting date
Meeting Options:
- Enable waiting room - this blocks any students in the course from joining without you admitting them
- Record the Meeting automatically in the cloud
- Add Tech TA as an Alternative Host if you are using a Tech TA. Anyone added as an Alternate Host would still be able to join the meeting, even if enabling the waiting room.
4. Click Save. You will now see the Meeting appear under 'Upcoming Meetings'
Start the Zoom Meeting
- Start meeting (or have Tech TA start meeting) as you normally would.
- Close any applications that you don't need, especially if they are resource-intensive or if they generate notifications (eg, emails and messaging apps) if you will be sharing your screen.
- From the Canvas Zoom link, click on the Upcoming Meetings tab.
- Find the meeting, and click the Start button next to the correct one.
If you don't already have Zoom installed, you will be guided to download and install it.
Alternatively, the person who created the meeting (usually the professor) can start the meeting from the Zoom desktop app.
Using the Waiting Room:
If you have students attending remotely that you would like to permit in the room you will receive a notification at the top of the zoom window that says the name of the student has entered the waiting room. From there you can select view to see everyone in the waiting room or Admit to allow the student in the meeting. You can also select the Manage Participants icon and Click Admit all to let everyone in the waiting room in the meeting.
Once the meeting has started, navigate to the security button on the Zoom toolbar and select Lock Meeting. This prevents any students from entering the waiting room after locked is selected. This is especially useful if you are using Zoom meetings for recording purposes only.
Click on the Unmute and Start Video icons to activate the camera and microphones.
NOTE: Each room type will also require the user to select the correct audio and camera source.
You can check your classroom technology here:
check your classroom technology
This will allow you to search for your classroom and read more about the available technology in the room.
NOTE: These are Office of the Registrar (OTR) rooms. Any other rooms on campus would not be listed here.
If you are using the Zoom Desktop to schedule an instant meeting the day of class you can visit Create, Record, and Share a Zoom Class (no attendees)
Share the Zoom Recording
Via Email:
Once the recording has been processed (typically with an hour), the host will receive an email with a link that can be shared with individuals.
Via Zoom:
- Login to Rice University's Zoom Site Links to an external site., select Recordings, and the name of the meeting
Select Copy Sharable Link. the link is now copied to your clipboard and you can paste it anywhere you chose to save it. Additionally, you can select the Share button, select your sharing options, and see the sharing link there.
Via Canvas:
- Navigate to Zoom in Canvas, select cloud recordings, and publish.
NOTE: This will share the recording with the entire class.
If this meeting was not scheduled in Canvas and you would like to share it via Canvas you can follow the step-by-step instructions on Import a meeting from Zoom to Canvas