All Courses

  • HART 228 001 Sp22

    This course will explore cities, deemed ideal, and buildings, deemed canonic, that operate as imaginary objects and that, all too often, pass as exemplary models to be emulated, be it as social machines, technical accomplishments, or expressions of cultural, if not political, desires.

  • LING 306 001 Sp22

    An introduction to the relation of Language, Thought, and Mind. A linguistic take on how language relates to other modes of cognitive processing such as perception, motion, and spatial understanding.

  • ELEC 677 002 Sp22

    We will meet online (Canvas zoom) until Jan 24, which I hope will be in Herzstein Hall HRZ 211. We have the space to implement a 6' rule if needed.

  • STEM OPT - Optional Practical Training Extension

    This tutorial is for Rice international students in F-1 visa status who are eligible to apply for a two-year extension of their OPT. Learn about the STEM extension: eligibility, application process, and regulations for maintaining status.

  • ELEC 522 001 F22

    Design and analysis of algorithm-specific VLSI processor architectures. Topics include the implementation of pipelined and systolic processor arrays. Techniques for mapping numerical algorithms onto custom processor arrays. Course includes design project using high-level VLSI synthesis tools.

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